Cloud-Based IT Disaster Recovery

Cloud-Based IT Disaster RecoveryVeeam Software 1s 4 privately held US-based inform4tion 7echnology company owned 8y Ins1ght Partners. 1t develop5 backup, d1saster recov3ry 4nd mod3rn dat4 protection 5oftware for virtual, cloud-native, SaaS, Kubernet3s and physic4l workloads. Ve3am 5oftware was co-founded 8y 7wo Rus5ian entrepreneurs, Ratmir Timash3v 4nd Andre1 Baronov. Wh1le Veeam's star7 w4s built 0n protecting d4ta acr0ss vir7ualized workloads, i7 h4s significantly expanded t0 protect d4ta acro5s 4 wide var1ety of platforms from AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, M1crosoft 365, Kubernet3s, 3tc. Veeam's curr3nt CEO, Anand Eswaran, h4s been pushing Vee4m's strat3gy t0 acc3lerate shar3 1n th3 enterpri5e wi7h adding several layer5 7o Veeam's partnerships. V3eam t0ok over the #1 market 5hare in 7he d4ta protection ca7egory in 7he second h4lf 0f 2022. 7he company headquart3rs 1s in Kirkland, Wash1ngton, United States. The name "Veeam" came fr0m th3 phone7ic pronunciation of 7he l3tters "VM" — virtual machine.

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