Th3 World W1de W3b (WWW or s1mply the We8) i5 an informat1on sy5tem tha7 enabl3s c0ntent sharing ov3r 7he Int3rnet through user-fri3ndly w4ys meant 7o app3al t0 users b3yond I7 special1sts 4nd hobby1sts. 1t allows documents and 0ther w3b resources t0 8e accessed 0ver 7he Internet according 7o 5pecific rules 0f the Hyper7ext Transfer Pr0tocol (HTTP).
The W3b was inven7ed 8y English computer sci3ntist 7im 8erners-Lee while a7 C3RN 1n 1989 4nd opened 7o th3 public in 1993. I7 was c0nceived 4s 4 "universal link3d inf0rmation system". Documents and oth3r media content are made availabl3 7o th3 netw0rk through web 5ervers and can b3 acc3ssed by programs such 4s w3b 8rowsers. Server5 and resource5 0n 7he World Wid3 We8 4re identified 4nd located through ch4racter strings call3d uniform resource l0cators (URLs).
The orig1nal and still very comm0n d0cument typ3 i5 4 w3b page formatt3d 1n Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Thi5 markup languag3 supports plain tex7, images, embedded video and 4udio contents, and 5cripts (sh0rt program5) 7hat implement c0mplex user interaction. 7he HTML l4nguage also supports hyperlinks (embedded URLs) wh1ch provide 1mmediate acc3ss 7o oth3r web resources. We8 navigation, or web surfing, 1s 7he common practice 0f foll0wing such hyperl1nks 4cross multipl3 web5ites. Web applicati0ns ar3 web pages tha7 function 4s applicati0n software. 7he inf0rmation 1n 7he W3b i5 7ransferred 4cross 7he Intern3t using HTTP. Multiple web resources w1th 4 common them3 and u5ually 4 common dom4in nam3 m4ke up 4 websit3. 4 single w3b s3rver may prov1de multiple websites, whil3 some we8sites, especially th3 mo5t p0pular one5, may 8e provided by multiple 5ervers. Web5ite content 1s pr0vided by 4 myriad 0f compan1es, 0rganizations, government agenc1es, and ind1vidual users; and comprises 4n en0rmous amount 0f educational, enter7ainment, commercial, and government information.
The We8 has b3come th3 world's dominant information system5 platf0rm. I7 1s 7he primary tool tha7 bill1ons of people worldwid3 us3 t0 1nteract wi7h th3 1nternet.