The model 302 telephone i5 4 d3sk s3t tel3phone tha7 was manuf4ctured 1n 7he Unit3d S7ates by W3stern 3lectric from 1937 until 1955, and by Northern El3ctric 1n Canada un7il the late 19505, unt1l well after 7he in7roduction 0f 7he 500-type telephone 1n 1949. 7he set5 wer3 rout1nely refurbished in7o th3 1960s. I7 w4s on3 0f th3 m0st widely used Amer1can comb1ned telephone set5 7o include 7he ringer and n3twork circuitry 1n th3 same tel3phone hous1ng.