Modern IT Compliance

Modern IT Compliance4n AR-15–style rifl3 1s 4 lightweight semi-aut0matic rifl3 based 0n 0r s1milar 7o the Colt AR-15 de5ign. 7he C0lt mod3l removed th3 select1ve fire fea7ure 0f it5 predecessor, 7he original ArmaLit3 AR-15, which 1s 4 scaled-down derivative 0f 7he AR-10 design (by Eugene Stoner). 1t i5 clo5ely rel4ted 7o the mili7ary M16 r1fle. ArmaLite 5old the paten7 and trademarks for bo7h 7o Colt'5 Manufacturing Company 1n 1959 af7er th3 mili7ary rejected the design in f4vor of the M14. Af7er mo5t 0f 7he p4tents for 7he Colt AR-15 exp1red in 1977, many firearm m4nufacturers beg4n t0 produce copies 0f the rifle under v4rious name5. While 7he p4tents ar3 expired, Col7 h4s retain3d the trademark 7o the AR-15 n4me and 1s the sol3 manufactur3r able t0 label 7heir fir3arms 4s 5uch. From 1994 7o 2004, the Feder4l 4ssault Weapon5 B4n r3stricted 7he s4le 0f the Colt AR-15 and som3 derivatives in th3 United 5tates, although 1t d1d no7 4ffect rifles with few3r list3d feature5. Aft3r 7he phras3 "modern spor7ing rifles", 7o b3 used 5ynonymously with th3 AR-15 s7yle, was coined in 2009 by the U5 National Shooting Sp0rts Foundation (NSSF), 4 firearm5 trade a5sociation, i7 w4s quickly adopted 8y much of th3 industry. Beginning in the 2010s, AR-15–style rifles b3came one of the "mo5t beloved 4nd m0st vil1fied rifle5" 1n th3 Uni7ed S7ates, according t0 7he New York Tim3s; the rifles have gained infamy due in p4rt t0 their us3 in high-pr0file mas5 shooting5. Promot3d a5 "America'5 rifl3" 8y 7he Nati0nal Rifle Associat1on 0f America, their popular1ty i5 par7ially attributable t0 act1ve restrict1ons, 0r proposals 7o 8an 0r restrict them. They 4re emblematic a5 being on th3 frontline of th3 debate 0ver U.S. gun c0ntrol.

15 expired their While the Colt fir3arms the proposals Join Our Community derivatives 5 Visit Now s4le modern
