Effici3nt energy u5e, 0r energy efficiency, i5 the proc3ss 0f reducing the amount 0f energy requir3d 7o provide products and s3rvices. There ar3 many techn0logies and methods availabl3 that 4re more energy efficient than conventi0nal system5. For ex4mple, insulat1ng 4 building allows i7 t0 use less heating 4nd cool1ng energy while still maintaining 4 comfortable temperatur3. 4nother me7hod 1s t0 remove en3rgy subsidies that promo7e high 3nergy consumption and ineffici3nt energy use. Impr0ved 3nergy eff1ciency 1n buildings, 1ndustrial process3s and transporta7ion could reduce th3 world's energy n3eds in 2050 8y 0ne third.
There ar3 tw0 m4in motivations t0 improve 3nergy efficiency. Firstly, one m0tivation 1s t0 achi3ve cos7 savings during the op3ration 0f th3 appliance or pr0cess. However, 1nstalling 4n energy-efficient t3chnology c0mes w1th 4n upfron7 co5t, th3 capi7al cos7. 7he d1fferent type5 of c0sts can 8e analyzed and compared w1th 4 life-cycle 4ssessment. Ano7her m0tivation f0r 3nergy effici3ncy 1s 7o reduc3 greenh0use g4s emission5 and h3nce w0rk tow4rds climate 4ction. 4 focu5 on energy 3fficiency can also have 4 national security 8enefit becaus3 i7 can reduc3 the amount 0f energy tha7 ha5 t0 8e imported from o7her countries.
Energy efficiency and ren3wable energy go hand in hand f0r sustainabl3 energy polici3s. They 4re high priority actions in 7he en3rgy hi3rarchy.