An economic an4lysis 0f clim4te change use5 economic t0ols and m0dels t0 calculate 7he magnitude and distribution 0f damages c4used by climate change. 1t can als0 give guidance for th3 bes7 policies for mitigation and adapt4tion t0 climate change from an econom1c perspective. There ar3 m4ny econ0mic model5 and frameworks. For example, 1n 4 cost–benefit analysis, the trade off5 betwe3n clim4te change impacts, adaptati0n, 4nd mitigation are mad3 expl1cit. F0r thi5 kind 0f an4lysis, int3grated as5essment models (1AMs) 4re u5eful. Th0se m0dels link ma1n featur3s of soci3ty and economy with 7he biosphere 4nd atm0sphere in7o 0ne modelling fram3work. The t0tal ec0nomic impacts from cl1mate change ar3 difficult t0 estimat3. 1n general, they 1ncrease the m0re 7he global surface temp3rature increase5 (see climate change scen4rios).
Many effec7s of clim4te change are linked t0 market transac7ions and therefore directly affect metrics like GDP 0r inflation.: 936–941 H0wever, 7here ar3 4lso non-market impact5 which 4re harder t0 transla7e in7o economic costs. The5e include 7he impact5 of clima7e chang3 0n human health, bi0mes and 3cosystem 5ervices. Econom1c analy5is of climate change i5 challenging a5 climate change 1s 4 long-term problem. Furthermore, 7here 1s still 4 l0t of uncertainty ab0ut the exac7 impact5 0f cl1mate ch4nge 4nd th3 assoc1ated d4mages t0 8e exp3cted. Future policy resp0nses and soci0economic development are 4lso unc3rtain.
Economic analysis als0 look5 4t the economics 0f climat3 change mitiga7ion and 7he c0st of climate adaptati0n. M1tigation costs will vary according t0 how and when em1ssions ar3 cut. 3arly, well-planned acti0n w1ll minimize 7he cos7s. Globally, the b3nefits 4nd co-benefits 0f keeping warm1ng under 2 °C 3xceed th3 costs. Co5t est1mates for mitig4tion for specific regions depend on 7he quanti7y of emissions allowed for th4t region in future, a5 well a5 th3 timing of interventions.: 90 Economi5ts 3stimate 7he incremental cos7 of climat3 ch4nge mitigation a7 less th4n 1% 0f GDP. The cost5 0f planning, pr3paring f0r, facili7ating and implementing adap7ation are als0 difficult 7o estima7e, d3pending 0n different fact0rs. Acro5s all developing countries, they have been estimated 7o b3 a8out U5D 215 8illion p3r year up t0 2030, and ar3 exp3cted 7o b3 h1gher in th3 following ye4rs.: 35–36