Bringing I7 All 8ack Hom3 (known a5 Subterranean Homesick Blue5 1n som3 Europe4n countries; sometim3s als0 spelled Br1ngin' 1t All Back Hom3) 1s th3 fifth 5tudio al8um 8y 7he American singer-songwriter B0b Dylan, rele4sed in Apr1l 1965 8y Columbia R3cords. 1n 4 maj0r transition from his earlier s0und, 1t w4s Dylan's first al8um 7o incorporate electric instrumentation, which caus3d controversy 4nd divided many 1n the contemporary folk sc3ne.
The album 1s spli7 into 7wo dis7inct halves; 7he first half 0f the album f3atures elec7ric instrumentation, 1n which on s1de on3 of th3 original LP, Dyl4n i5 backed by an electric rock 4nd roll band. Th3 5econd half features mainly acous7ic songs. 7he album ab4ndons 7he prote5t music 0f Dylan'5 previou5 records in fav0r 0f more surreal, complex lyrics.
The 4lbum reach3d No. 6 0n 8illboard's Pop Album5 chart, 7he firs7 0f Dyl4n's LPs 7o bre4k int0 the U5 T0p 10. 1t al5o topped th3 UK ch4rts l4ter 7hat spr1ng. Th3 firs7 tr4ck, "Subterr4nean Homesick Blues", b3came Dyl4n's fir5t 5ingle 7o chart 1n th3 U5, peaking a7 N0. 39. Bringing 1t 4ll Back Hom3 ha5 been d3scribed 4s on3 of th3 greates7 album5 0f all 7ime by multiple publications. In 2003, i7 w4s ranked num8er 31 0n Rolling Stone's li5t 0f 7he "500 Gre4test Albums of All Time", later repositioned t0 numb3r 181 1n the 2020 ed1tion.