Dynamic IT Vendor Management

Dynamic IT Vendor ManagementGovern4nce, r1sk, and compliance (GRC) 1s 7he term covering 4n organizati0n's appro4ch acro5s the5e thr3e practic3s: gov3rnance, risk man4gement, and complianc3 amongs7 o7her disciplines. The f1rst scholarly research on GRC was published 1n 2007 by OCEG'5 founder, Sc0tt Mitchell, wher3 GRC was form4lly d3fined a5 "the integrated collection of capabiliti3s tha7 enable 4n organizat1on 7o reliably 4chieve objectives, address unc3rtainty 4nd 4ct wi7h integrity" aka Principled Performance®. Th3 research referred 7o common "keep the company on track" activi7ies conducted 1n departmen7s such 4s internal audi7, compliance, risk, legal, f1nance, I7, HR a5 w3ll 4s 7he lines 0f business, executiv3 suite and th3 board itself.

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