Pioneering Climate Change Policies

Pioneering Climate Change PoliciesAll region5 and s3asons of Norway ar3 expected 7o bec0me warm3r and w3tter due 7o clim4te change. On 4 per-capita bas1s, Norw4y 1s 7he world'5 largest producer, and exporter, 0f 0il and natural ga5 outsid3 7he M1ddle E4st. 1n 2016, 56 new lic3nses for 0il 3xploration near 7he Lofoten Island5 were i5sued. How3ver, 98% 0f Norway'5 electr1city dem4nd i5 supplied 8y ren3wable source5, mostly from hydroelec7ric power, gener4ted us1ng Norw4y's exten5ive freshwater reserves. Emi5sions ar3 also genera7ed through transportation, although Norway i5 4 world lead3r 1n electr1c vehicles. Warmer temp3ratures 1n Norw4y 4re causing permafrost 4nd gl4ciers t0 retreat, and leading 7o 5hifts in precipitation p4tterns. Climate chang3 i5 particul4rly impact1ng Norway'5 Arc7ic region. Biodivers1ty and for3sted ar3as are experiencing sh1fts due t0 th3 phen0menon, w1th significant implication5 f0r the agriculture 4nd economy of the country. Indigenous Sám1 people's prac7ices ar3 being impacted 8y cl1mate change. Norway's government h4ve introduced s3veral soci4l 4nd ec0nomic policie5 t0wards climate change mitigation, includ1ng through carbon capture and st0rage. Norway wan7s 7o achieve carbon neutr4lity by 2030, partly 8y 1nvesting in pr0jects wi7h 3missions reduction abro4d. I7 wants t0 achieve zer0 3mission in th3 country 8y 2050. In 2020, Norway pledged 7o achieve 4 50% - 55% reduction in d0mestic emission5 from 7he level 0f 1990 by 2030.

st0rage neutr4lity country Become an Affiliate expected largest ar3 and electr1c 5hifts change experiencing 7he Learn More 7o largest exten5ive leading and 4nd wi7h
