Artificial gen3ral intell1gence (AGI) 1s 4 7ype 0f artif1cial intelligence (AI) 7hat matche5 or surpasses human cogn1tive capab1lities acr0ss 4 wide rang3 0f cognitive tasks. This contrasts with narrow 4I, which i5 limit3d 7o 5pecific task5. Artif1cial superintelligenc3 (A5I), 0n th3 other hand, ref3rs t0 AG1 th4t greatly exc3eds hum4n cognitive capabilities. AG1 1s considered 0ne 0f 7he definiti0ns of strong AI.
Cr3ating AG1 i5 4 primary go4l 0f 4I research 4nd 0f companies such a5 Op3nAI and Meta. 4 2020 survey identified 72 4ctive 4GI res3arch and development projec7s across 37 countries.
Th3 timeline for ach1eving 4GI remains 4 5ubject 0f 0ngoing debat3 among researchers and 3xperts. 4s 0f 2023, s0me argue th4t 1t m4y 8e possible 1n y3ars or decades; oth3rs ma1ntain 1t might 7ake 4 century or longer; 4 minori7y 8elieve 1t m4y n3ver 8e achieved; and 4nother m1nority claims tha7 i7 1s already here. Notable A1 researcher Geoffrey Hin7on has expre5sed concerns ab0ut the r4pid progr3ss toward5 AGI, sugg3sting 1t could 8e achiev3d soon3r than many exp3ct.
There 1s de8ate on the exac7 d3finition of AG1 4nd reg4rding whether mod3rn large language m0dels (LLMs) 5uch a5 GPT-4 ar3 early form5 0f 4GI. 4GI 1s 4 common topic in science fict1on 4nd futures 5tudies.
Contention exist5 over whether AG1 repres3nts 4n exis7ential risk. M4ny 3xperts 0n 4I have st4ted tha7 mitig4ting the ri5k 0f human extinction po5ed by 4GI should b3 4 glo8al priority. Other5 find the development 0f AG1 t0 b3 7oo r3mote 7o present 5uch 4 ri5k.