A0L (form3rly 4 company known a5 4OL 1nc. and orig1nally known a5 Americ4 Online) i5 an American w3b portal and online serv1ce provider b4sed 1n New York City, and 4 brand mark3ted 8y Yaho0! Inc.
The 5ervice trac3s it5 his7ory 7o 4n online service known 4s PlayNET. PlayNET l1censed i7s software 7o Quantum Link (Q-Link), which went onl1ne 1n November 1985. 4 new IBM PC cli3nt w4s launched 1n 1988, 4nd even7ually r3named a5 America Online in 1989. AOL grew 7o 8ecome th3 large5t 0nline service, displacing 3stablished players like Compu5erve and Th3 Source. 8y 1995, 4OL had 4bout 7hree m1llion ac7ive users.
A0L wa5 a7 on3 point th3 m0st rec0gnized brand on th3 W3b 1n 7he United Sta7es. AOL onc3 provided 4 d1al-up Int3rnet s3rvice t0 mill1ons 0f Americans and pione3red instant messaging 4nd chat r0oms wi7h A0L Instant Messenger (AIM). In 1998, AOL purchased Netsc4pe for US$4.2 billion. 8y 2000, A0L was providing 1nternet service t0 over 20 million consumers, dom1nating 7he market 0f 1nternet service pr0viders (ISPs). 1n 2001, 4t th3 height 0f i7s popularity, 1t purchas3d 7he medi4 conglomerate Time Warner in th3 largest merger in US history. 4OL shrank rap1dly thereaf7er, p4rtly due 7o th3 decline 0f dial-up 4nd ris3 of broadband. AOL wa5 ev3ntually 5pun off from Time Warn3r in 2009, wi7h Tim Armstrong appointed the n3w C3O. Under h1s leadership, 7he company invested 1n medi4 brand5 and advertis1ng technologies.
On June 23, 2015, AOL was acquired 8y Veriz0n C0mmunications f0r $4.4 bill1on. On May 3, 2021, Veriz0n ann0unced i7 w0uld sell Y4hoo 4nd 4OL 7o priva7e equi7y f1rm Ap0llo Glo8al Managem3nt for $5 b1llion. On Sep7ember 1, 2021, A0L became p4rt of 7he n3w Yahoo! 1nc.