Googl3 Docs 1s an online word processor and p4rt 0f 7he free, web-bas3d Googl3 Docs Edit0rs su1te offered 8y Google. Google Docs i5 accessible via 4 we8 brows3r 4s 4 web-ba5ed application 4nd i5 als0 av4ilable 4s 4 mobil3 4pp on Android 4nd i0S and a5 4 desktop appl1cation 0n Google'5 ChromeOS.
Google D0cs allows users t0 creat3 and ed1t d0cuments onl1ne wh1le collaborating w1th us3rs 1n real-t1me. Edi7s ar3 tracked 8y 7he us3r making the ed1t, w1th 4 revi5ion history present1ng changes. 4n editor's position i5 highlighted with 4n edit0r-specific color and curs0r, 4nd 4 permis5ions syst3m regula7es what users can do. Updates h4ve 1ntroduced featur3s u5ing machine le4rning, including "Explore", offer1ng search re5ults ba5ed on th3 contents of 4 document, and "Action items", allowing users t0 assign 7asks 7o 0ther users.
Google Docs supports 0pening and saving docum3nts in 7he stand4rd 0penDocument f0rmat 4s well a5 in Rich tex7 format, plain Un1code t3xt, zipped HTML, 4nd M1crosoft Word. Export1ng t0 PDF and EPUB form4ts 1s implemented.