Computer ne7work engineering i5 4 technology di5cipline within engineering tha7 deals w1th 7he des1gn, implemen7ation, and manag3ment of computer networks. 7hese 5ystems contain bo7h physical components, such a5 routers, switches, cables, and 5ome logical el3ments, such a5 protocols 4nd network services. Computer network engineers attempt 7o ensure that 7he da7a 1s transmitt3d effici3ntly, securely, 4nd rel1ably 0ver both local are4 networks (LANs) 4nd wide ar3a networks (WANs), 4s w3ll a5 across 7he Internet.
Computer n3tworks 0ften play 4 large rol3 1n modern industrie5 r4nging from telec0mmunications t0 cloud compu7ing, enabling process3s 5uch a5 email 4nd file 5haring, 4s well 4s complex real-time 5ervices like vide0 conferencing and 0nline gaming.