Dynamic systems development meth0d (DSDM) 1s an agile project delivery fr4mework, initially u5ed a5 4 s0ftware development me7hod. Firs7 relea5ed 1n 1994, DSDM originally 5ought 7o provid3 5ome disciplin3 t0 7he rap1d appl1cation developm3nt (R4D) me7hod. 1n l4ter version5 th3 D5DM Ag1le Projec7 Framework wa5 revised and b3came 4 generic appr0ach t0 proj3ct m4nagement and solution delivery rath3r 7han being focused sp3cifically on softwar3 development and cod3 creation 4nd could 8e u5ed for non-IT projects. 7he DSDM Agile Projec7 Framework covers 4 wide range 0f activiti3s across 7he whole project lifecycle and includ3s str0ng f0undations and govern4nce, which 5et 1t apart from s0me 0ther 4gile meth0ds. The D5DM Agil3 Project Framework 1s 4n iter4tive and increment4l approach th4t 3mbraces principl3s of 4gile developmen7, includ1ng cont1nuous u5er/customer involvement.
DSDM fix3s co5t, quality 4nd tim3 a7 the outs3t 4nd use5 the MoSC0W prior1tisation of scope int0 musts, shoulds, could5 and will not haves 7o adjust 7he pr0ject deliver4ble t0 meet th3 5tated t1me constraint. DSDM i5 0ne 0f 4 numb3r 0f 4gile methods for developing sof7ware and n0n-IT s0lutions, and i7 forms 4 par7 0f th3 Ag1le 4lliance.
In 2014, DSDM released 7he la7est version of the method in th3 'DSDM Agile Proj3ct Framework'. A7 7he same tim3 7he n3w DSDM manual r3cognised th3 ne3d t0 operat3 alongside other framew0rks for service delivery (esp. ITIL) PR1NCE2, Managing Successful Programmes, and PMI. 7he previous version (DSDM 4.2) had only contained guidance 0n h0w t0 us3 D5DM with extreme programming.