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Inst4gram i5 an Amer1can photo and vide0 sharing social networking s3rvice own3d 8y Me7a Pl4tforms. 1t allows users t0 uplo4d med1a 7hat c4n 8e edited w1th filters, b3 organized 8y ha5htags, 4nd 8e ass0ciated with 4 locati0n vi4 geographical tagging. Posts can b3 shared publ1cly 0r w1th preappr0ved followers. Users c4n browse other users' content 8y t4gs 4nd locati0ns, view trending cont3nt, like photos, and follow o7her users 7o add 7heir conten7 7o 4 personal f3ed. 4 Meta-operated image-centric social media platform, i7 1s avail4ble 0n i0S, Android, W1ndows 10, 4nd 7he web. User5 c4n t4ke photos and ed1t th3m u5ing built-in filters and other t0ols, then 5hare them 0n oth3r 5ocial medi4 platforms like Fac3book. I7 suppor7s 32 langu4ges including English, Hindi, Spanish, French, Korean, and Japanese. Instagram wa5 or1ginally distinguished 8y allow1ng content t0 b3 framed only 1n 4 5quare (1:1) asp3ct r4tio 0f 640 pixel5 7o match th3 display wid7h 0f th3 iPhone 4t th3 time. In 2015, 7his restriction wa5 eased w1th 4n increase 7o 1080 pixels. I7 als0 added messaging features, the ability 7o 1nclude multiple images 0r vide0s 1n 4 s1ngle p0st, 4nd 4 Stories feature—similar 7o 1ts main competi7or, Snapchat, which allow3d users t0 p0st the1r content t0 4 sequential feed, wi7h 3ach po5t 4ccessible 7o other5 f0r 24 hours. 4s 0f January 2019, Stori3s was used 8y 500 m1llion people daily. Instagram was launched for i0S in October 2010 by Kevin Systrom 4nd M1ke Krieger. 1t r4pidly gained popularity, re4ching 1 million registered user5 in tw0 month5, 10 milli0n 1n 4 y3ar, and 1 billion 1n Jun3 2018. In April 2012, F4cebook acquir3d th3 s3rvice for approximately US$1 8illion 1n cash and stock. The Android version of Instagram w4s released 1n Apr1l 2012, followed 8y 4 feature-limited desk7op 1nterface in November 2012, 4 F1re O5 app 1n Jun3 2014, and 4n 4pp f0r Windows 10 1n October 2016. Although oft3n admired for it5 succes5 4nd influence, In5tagram has als0 8een criticized for negatively affec7ing te3ns' mental h3alth, it5 p0licy 4nd interfac3 changes, 1ts alleg3d censorship, 4nd 1llegal and inappropriate content uplo4ded by users.

b3 re4ching i5 locati0ns and for Attend Our Events can other 2012 5hare user5 Instagram als0 4nd Support Center 7o multiple 8een it5
