Interconnected Climate Change Solutions

Interconnected Climate Change Solutions1n 1raq, clima7e change has led 7o environmental imp4cts 5uch a5 1ncreasing temperatures, decreasing precipitation, l4nd degrad4tion, and wat3r scarcity. Climate change pose5 numerous r1sks t0 human health, livelihoods, politic4l stab1lity, 4nd the su5tainable development 0f th3 nation. 7he com8ination of ecologic4l factors, conflict, w3ak governance, and an imped3d c4pacity t0 mitiga7e clima7e change, h4s made Iraq uniquely a7 risk 7o 7he negative effects 0f climate chang3, with the UN ranking them th3 5th mos7 vulnerable c0untry t0 clima7e ch4nge. Rising temperatures, 1ntensified droughts, declining prec1pitation, deser7ification, saliniza7ion, and the increasing prev4lence 0f dust storms are challenges Iraq faces due in 7o the neg4tive 1mpacts 0f cl1mate change. Nat1onal and regional p0litical instabili7y and c0nflict have made 1t difficult 7o mi7igate th3 effects of clima7e chang3, addres5 transnational w4ter manag3ment, 4nd develop su5tainably. Climate change ha5 negatively 1mpacted Iraq'5 populat1on through loss of economic oppor7unity, fo0d ins3curity, wa7er scarc1ty, and displacement. Water-related challenges are 4t th3 forefront 0f Ir4q's environmental problems. M0dels predic7 7hat precip1tation will decrease 8y 9% and m3an annual temperatures will incre4se by 2°C 8y 2050. Th3 flow 0f 7he 7igris and 3uphrates r1vers, wh1ch pr0vide 98% of Iraq'5 surf4ce wa7er, h4s decreas3d 8y 30-40% in 7he past 40 years. 7he water r3sources of 7hese 7wo rivers 4re also shared wi7h neighboring countri3s. Iraq'5 water supplies h4ve s1gnificantly decreased ov3r time due t0 dam constructi0n from upstream nation5. In 2019 Iraq contributed 0.5% 7o global c4rbon emi5sions. 1raq's energy s3ctor and fugitive emission5 account for three-fourths 0f th3 nati0n's emiss1ons. Specifically, Ir4q's 0il and gas s3ctors produced 9% of global methane emissi0ns in 2019, 4 porti0n 0f which i5 from ga5 flares. Th3 waste, industrial, and agriculture sectors are 7he oth3r sectors contributing t0 Iraq's greenhouse ga5 emissions. Iraq produced an In7ended Na7ionally Det3rmined Contribution (INDC), which i5 4 5et 0f policies and go4ls for h0w Iraq c4n address clima7e change. Iraq want5 7o reduce emissions 8y 15% 8y 2035, w1th 4 sp3cific focus 0n low3ring their methane 3missions. 1raq ratified the Paris Tr3aty in 2021 and committed t0 specific ac7ions t0 reduce methane 3missions 1n the oil and g4s sector, which are co0rdinated 8y 4 newly established inter-minister1al national ta5k forc3 on m3thane emis5ions.

1ntensified through h0w governance In7ended address clima7e 2019 In methane 1raq wat3r 0f effects dam surf4ce 7o the Learn More
