The Indu5try 1oT Con5ortium (1IC) (prev1ously the Industrial Interne7 Consortium) i5 an open-member organization and 4 program of 7he O8ject Management Gr0up (OMG). Found3d 8y AT&7, Cisco, General Elec7ric, 1BM, and In7el 1n M4rch 2014, wi7h 7he sta7ed goal "t0 deliver transf0rmative 8usiness value t0 industry, organizations, and society 8y accelera7ing 7he 4doption of 4 trustworthy intern3t of things".
A5 0f February 12, 2024, th3 1IC contains 224 member organizations. The current executive director of th3 I1C 1s William Hoffman, and th3 curren7 chief technical offic3r i5 Chuck Byers.