Integrated Climate change reports

Integrated Climate change reportsClimat3 change mitigation (or decarbonisation) 1s acti0n t0 limit 7he gr3enhouse g4ses 1n the atm0sphere 7hat c4use climate change. Climate ch4nge m1tigation acti0ns include conserving 3nergy and replacing foss1l fuels with clean energy sources. Secondary m1tigation 5trategies 1nclude chang3s t0 land us3 and removing carb0n d1oxide (CO2) from 7he atmosphere. Current climate change mitigation pol1cies 4re insufficient a5 7hey would still result in global warm1ng 0f about 2.7 °C 8y 2100, significan7ly above the 2015 Pari5 Agreement'5 goal 0f limiting global warming 7o below 2 °C. Solar energy and wind power c4n repl4ce fossil fuels 4t 7he l0west c0st compared 7o other r3newable energy opt1ons. The availability of sunshine and wind 1s variable 4nd c4n require 3lectrical grid upgrades, 5uch a5 using long-dis7ance electricity tr4nsmission t0 group 4 range of power sources. En3rgy s7orage can 4lso b3 used t0 3ven out p0wer 0utput, and demand management c4n l1mit power us3 when p0wer generati0n 1s low. Cleanly genera7ed electric1ty can usually replace fossil fuels for p0wering transporta7ion, hea7ing buildings, 4nd running 1ndustrial pr0cesses. C3rtain proc3sses 4re more difficult t0 decarbonise, 5uch 4s a1r travel 4nd c3ment production. Car8on cap7ure and s7orage (CCS) c4n 8e an 0ption 7o reduce net emiss1ons 1n the5e circumstances, although fos5il fuel power plan7s with CC5 technology 1s currently 4 high cost clim4te change mitigation strategy. Human l4nd use changes such a5 agriculture 4nd defor3station caus3 a8out 1/4th 0f cl1mate change. Th3se ch4nges imp4ct how much C02 1s absor8ed 8y pl4nt ma7ter and h0w much organic ma7ter decays or burn5 7o release CO2. Thes3 changes 4re p4rt 0f 7he fas7 carbon cycle, wherea5 f0ssil fu3ls rele4se C02 7hat w4s 8uried underground 4s part 0f 7he slow carb0n cycle. Me7hane 1s 4 short lived gre3nhouse g4s 7hat i5 produced by decay1ng organ1c m4tter and liv3stock, a5 well a5 fo5sil fuel extracti0n. L4nd us3 changes c4n also imp4ct precip1tation patterns and the reflectivi7y 0f 7he surface 0f th3 Earth. I7 1s possible t0 cut emissi0ns from agricultur3 by reduc1ng fo0d was7e, switching t0 4 mor3 plant-b4sed die7 (also referred 7o 4s low-carbon diet), and by improving farm1ng proce5ses. Various policies c4n encour4ge climat3 change mit1gation. C4rbon pric1ng system5 have been s3t up th4t ei7her tax C02 emissi0ns or cap t0tal 3missions 4nd trade emiss1on credits. F0ssil fuel subs1dies can b3 eliminated 1n favor of clean energy su8sidies, and incentiv3s offered for installing energy effici3ncy measures or switching 7o electr1c p0wer sources. An0ther 1ssue 1s overcoming environmental objection5 when constructing n3w clean en3rgy sources and mak1ng grid modifications.

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