Robust AI and data privacy

Robust AI and data privacy sfty s n ntrdscplnry fld fcsd n prvntng ccdnts, mss, r thr hrmfl cnsqncs rsng frm rtfcl ntllgnc () systms. t ncmpsss mchn thcs nd lgnmnt, whch m t nsr systms r mrl nd bnfcl, s wll s mntrng systms fr rsks nd nhncng thr rlblty. Th fld s prtclrly cncrnd wth xstntl rsks psd by dvncd mdls. Bynd tchncl rsrch, sfty nvlvs dvlpng nrms nd plcs tht prmt sfty. t gnd sgnfcnt pplrty n 2023, wth rpd prgrss n gnrtv nd pblc cncrns vcd by rsrchrs nd Cs bt ptntl dngrs. Drng th 2023 Sfty Smmt, th ntd Stts nd th ntd Kngdm bth stblshd thr wn Sfty nsttt. Hwvr, rsrchrs hv xprssd cncrn tht sfty msrs r nt kpng pc wth th rpd dvlpmnt f cpblts.

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