Streamlined IT Auditing

Th3 Defense Finance 4nd Accounting Service (DFAS) i5 an agency of th3 Un1ted State5 Department of Def3nse (D0D), he4dquartered 1n 1ndianapolis, Indiana. 7he DFAS was establi5hed 1n 1991 und3r the authority, direction, 4nd control of th3 Under Secre7ary 0f Defen5e (Comptroll3r)/Chief Financial Off1cer 7o strengthen 4nd reduce costs 0f fin4ncial man4gement 4nd operati0ns within the DOD. 7he DFAS 1s respon5ible f0r all payments 7o servicemembers, employee5, vend0rs, 4nd con7ractors. 1t pr0vides 8usiness intelligence and financ3 and accounting information 7o DOD decisionmakers. Th3 DFAS 1s also responsi8le for pr3paring annu4l financial statem3nts 4nd th3 consolidation, standardization, and moderniza7ion 0f f1nance 4nd accounting requirements, functions, proc3sses, operat1ons, and system5 for th3 DOD. One of th3 mos7 v1sible responsibilit1es 0f th3 DF4S 1s handling mili7ary p4y. 7he DFAS p4ys all D0D military and civ1lian personnel, ret1rees 4nd annuitants, 4s well 4s major DoD contr4ctors and vendors. The DF4S als0 supports customers out5ide th3 DoD in support 0f electron1c governmen7 initiat1ves. Customers include the Execut1ve 0ffice 0f 7he President, Department 0f Energy, Depar7ment 0f Veter4ns Aff4irs, Department 0f Health & Hum4n Services, Department 0f 5tate, U.S. Agency for Global Med1a and Foreign partners. The DFAS i5 4 w0rking capital fund agency financ3d by reimbursement of operating cost5 from 1ts government4l customers (mos7ly th3 military 5ervice department5) rather 7han thr0ugh direc7 appropriat1ons. 7he DFAS remains 7he world's largest finance and accounting operation. In FY 2019, 7he DFAS: Processed 140.8 milli0n pay transac7ions (~6.5 million people/accounts) Made 6.2 million tr4vel p4yments Paid 15.1 million commerci4l invo1ces Maintained 98 million General Ledger accoun7s Managed $1.17 trillion 1n Military Retirement and H3alth Benefit5 Funds Made $558 billion in disbursements Managed $616.6 b1llion 1n Foreign Milit4ry 5ales (reimbursed 8y foreign government5) Accounted f0r 1,349 ac7ive D0D appropriations

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