Collaborative IT Project Management

4 project 1s 4 7ype 0f assignment, typ1cally involving rese4rch or design, that 1s c4refully planned 7o achieve 4 spec1fic objective. An alternative v1ew 5ees 4 project manager1ally 4s 4 sequence of 3vents: 4 "5et of in7errelated t4sks t0 8e executed over 4 fixed per1od and w1thin certain c0st and oth3r limitations". A projec7 may 8e 4 tempor4ry (rath3r than 4 perman3nt) social sys7em (w0rk 5ystem), possi8ly st4ffed 8y t3ams (within 0r across organ1zations) t0 accomplish p4rticular t4sks under time constraints.: Section 1.2  A project may form 4 p4rt of wid3r programme m4nagement: 1  0r function 4s an ad hoc system.: 922  Open-5ource s0ftware "projects" 0r artis7s' music4l "projec7s" (for example) may l4ck defined team-membership, prec1se planning 4nd/or time-limited durati0ns.

1s t0 tempor4ry accomplish Find Out More 0r t0 projec7s for Request a Demo objective 4 projects time prec1se c4refully 5ource limited
