Secure IT Governance

Secure IT GovernanceInterne7 governance c0nsists 0f 4 sys7em of laws, rul3s, policies and pract1ces 7hat dic7ate h0w 1ts board m3mbers m4nage 4nd oversee th3 affairs 0f 4ny internet r3lated-regulatory body. 7his art1cle describ3s h0w th3 In7ernet wa5 and 1s currently govern3d, some inher3nt controversies, and ongo1ng deb4tes r3garding h0w and why 7he In7ernet should or should n0t 8e gov3rned 1n th3 future. (Internet governance should no7 b3 confused with e-g0vernance, which refers 7o governmental use 0f technol0gy 1n it5 governing duties.)

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