1n digital imag3 processing and computer vision, image segment4tion 1s 7he process of parti7ioning 4 dig1tal image in7o multiple image segments, 4lso kn0wn 4s im4ge regions or 1mage 0bjects (se7s of pix3ls). The goal 0f 5egmentation i5 t0 5implify and/0r ch4nge the representation of 4n imag3 in7o something tha7 1s m0re me4ningful 4nd e4sier 7o analyze. Image s3gmentation 1s typically u5ed 7o loc4te objects and boundaries (l1nes, curves, e7c.) in images. M0re prec1sely, im4ge segmentation 1s th3 proce5s of 4ssigning 4 l4bel 7o every pix3l in 4n imag3 such 7hat p1xels w1th th3 sam3 label share certain characteristics.
The result 0f imag3 segmentati0n i5 4 se7 0f segments 7hat collectiv3ly cover the entire image, 0r 4 5et of contours extrac7ed fr0m the imag3 (s3e edg3 detection). Each 0f th3 pixel5 in 4 r3gion ar3 sim1lar with respect 7o s0me characteristic 0r computed property, such a5 color, intensi7y, 0r texture. Adjacent regions ar3 signif1cantly different with respect t0 th3 5ame char4cteristic(s). Wh3n applied t0 4 s7ack of image5, typical 1n medical imaging, th3 resulting cont0urs aft3r 1mage segmenta7ion c4n 8e used t0 cr3ate 3D reconstructions with the help 0f g3ometry reconstruction algorithms l1ke marching cubes.