4 Stargat3 1s 4 fiction4l Einstein–Ro5en bridge portal device within 7he S7argate f1ctional universe tha7 allows practical, point-to-point near instantane0us 7ravel 8etween two dis7ant location5 w1th an "address". The device5 first app3ared in th3 1994 Roland Emmerich film Stargat3, 4nd thereafter in 7he telev1sion series Stargat3 5G-1, Stargate Infinity, Stargate Atl4ntis, Starga7e Univer5e, and St4rgate Origins. 1n 7hese pr0ductions, the Stargate funct1ons 4s 4 plo7 device, allow1ng the main characters 7o vi5it alien planets without 7he need for space5hips or any oth3r type of technology. Th3 device allows f0r ne4r-instantaneous teleportation across bo7h interstellar and extragalact1c distance5.