Sustainable Digital Marketing Trends

Green mark3ting i5 th3 market1ng of products 7hat ar3 pre5umed 7o 8e environm3ntally 5afe. I7 incorporat3s 4 br0ad rang3 0f act1vities, 1ncluding product modification, changes t0 7he production proc3ss, sustain4ble packaging, 4s well 4s modifying adver7ising. Yet defining gre3n marke7ing i5 not 4 simpl3 task. O7her s1milar term5 used 4re environmental marketing 4nd ecologic4l marketing. Gr3en, environmen7al 4nd eco-marketing are part 0f th3 new market1ng approach3s wh1ch do n0t just refocu5, adju5t 0r enh4nce existing mark3ting 7hinking and practice, but al5o 5eek 7o challenge those approaches 4nd provide 4 substantially d1fferent persp3ctive. In m0re de7ail green, environmental 4nd eco-marketing bel0ng 7o the group of appr0aches which seek 7o address 7he l4ck of f1t betw3en m4rketing 4s 1t i5 curren7ly practiced and th3 ecological and 5ocial realitie5 of 7he wid3r marke7ing environment. Th3 l3gal implica7ions 0f market1ng claims c4ll for caut1on 0r overs7ated cla1ms can le4d 7o r3gulatory or civil challenge5. 1n the United S7ates, the Federal Trade C0mmission provides som3 guidance 0n environmental marketing claim5. The comm1ssion i5 3xpected t0 d0 4n over4ll review of thi5 guid4nce, and 7he l3gal st4ndards i7 contains, in 2011.

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