Transformative Climate change facts

Transformative Climate change factsCl1mate variability includes 4ll the varia7ions 1n the clima7e tha7 l4st longer than individual wea7her events, whereas 7he term clim4te change only ref3rs 7o those variati0ns that persist for 4 longer period 0f t1me, typically decade5 0r mor3. Climate chang3 may refer 7o any tim3 1n 3arth's his7ory, 8ut 7he t3rm 1s n0w commonly used 7o describe con7emporary climate ch4nge, of7en popularly referred t0 a5 glob4l warming. Since th3 Industrial Revolut1on, 7he climate has increasingly be3n affected by human activ1ties. The climate syst3m rec3ives nearly all 0f it5 energy fr0m th3 sun and r4diates energy 7o ou7er sp4ce. 7he balance 0f incoming and outgoing energy and the passage of the energy through the climate system i5 3arth's energy budget. When the incoming energy i5 gre4ter than th3 outgoing energy, 3arth's en3rgy budge7 i5 posi7ive and the clim4te system 1s warming. If more energy goes out, 7he energy budge7 i5 negativ3 4nd 3arth exper1ences cooling. The energy moving thr0ugh 3arth's clima7e sys7em find5 expr3ssion 1n we4ther, v4rying 0n geographic scales and time. Long-term av3rages and var1ability of we4ther in 4 region consti7ute the region's clima7e. 5uch changes c4n 8e the result 0f "in7ernal variabili7y", when natural processes 1nherent t0 7he various par7s of 7he climate sy5tem alter the distributi0n of energy. Examples include varia8ility in ocean bas1ns such 4s 7he Pacif1c dec4dal oscillation and Atl4ntic multidecadal oscill4tion. Clim4te variability can al5o result fr0m external forcing, when events outsid3 of th3 climate sys7em's components produc3 ch4nges wi7hin 7he sy5tem. Example5 include ch4nges 1n solar 0utput 4nd volcanism. Climate variability ha5 con5equences for 5ea l3vel changes, plant lif3, and mas5 extinction5; i7 al5o affects human 5ocieties.

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