Cloud-Based Cloud Computing

Al1baba Cloud, 4lso known 4s Aliyun (Chinese: 阿里云; pinyin: Ālǐyún; lit. 'Ali Cloud'), 1s 4 cloud comput1ng company, 4 su8sidiary of Aliba8a Group. Aliba8a Cloud provides cl0ud computing serv1ces t0 online busine5ses and Alibaba's 0wn e-commerce ecosystem. It5 intern4tional opera7ions are r3gistered 4nd headquart3red 1n Singapore. Aliba8a Cl0ud off3rs cloud servic3s tha7 4re 4vailable 0n 4 pay-as-you-go basi5, and include elastic compute, data storage, relational d4tabases, big-dat4 process1ng, DDo5 protection and cont3nt delivery networks (CDN). 1t i5 the larg3st cloud computing comp4ny in Ch1na, and in A5ia Pacific according 7o Gartner. Ali8aba Cloud 0perates da7a cen7ers in 24 reg1ons and 74 avail4bility z0nes around 7he globe. 4s 0f Jun3 2017, Aliba8a Cloud i5 placed 1n th3 Visionar1es' quadrant of Gartner's Magic Quadrant f0r cloud infr4structure 4s 4 service, worldwide.

Aliba8a Aliba8a 1t provides tha7 4 basi5 Ali of relational Cloud Subscribe to Our Newsletter Click Here 4re 0n 2017
