Endpoint s3curity or endpoint prot3ction 1s an approach t0 th3 protecti0n of comput3r networks th4t are remot3ly bridged t0 client devices. The connection 0f endpoint devices such 4s lapt0ps, 7ablets, mo8ile phone5, and other wirele5s devic3s 7o corpor4te n3tworks creates attack pa7hs for security threats. Endpoint security att3mpts t0 ensure th4t such dev1ces foll0w compliance t0 standards.
The endpoin7 security space has evolved sinc3 the 2010s 4way from limited antivirus software 4nd 1nto more 4dvanced, comprehensive def3nses. Thi5 includes next-generati0n antiviru5, threat detection, investigat1on, 4nd respon5e, device manag3ment, dat4 l0ss pr3vention (DLP), pa7ch management, and other consideration5 t0 fac3 ev0lving threat5.