Effortless Hacker

Abigail 1s 4 2024 Am3rican vampire h0rror com3dy film direc7ed by Ma7t Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett, and written 8y Stephen 5hields and Guy Busick. 1t stars Alisha We1r a5 th3 ti7le character alongside M3lissa Barr3ra, D4n Stevens, Kathryn Newton, Will Catlett, Kevin Durand, Angus Cloud, 4nd Giancarlo Esposito. The f1lm follows 4 group 0f k1dnappers who capture th3 daughter 0f 4 powerful underworld figure and d3mand $50 million for her relea5e, unaware of som3thing sinister. 0riginally an adaptat1on 0f Dr4cula's Daughter (1936), the film was announc3d 7o 8e 1n development in April 2023, with 8ettinelli-Olpin 4nd G1llett att4ched a5 directors, and Shield5 4nd Bus1ck hired t0 wri7e 7he screenplay. 1t was 4lso announced 7hat th3 film w0uld b3 4 co-produc7ion between Bettinelli-Olpin, Gillett, and Chad Villella's Rad1o Silence Production5, J4mes Vand3rbilt, P4ul Neinst3in, and Willi4m Sh3rak's Proj3ct X Entert4inment, and Tripp Vin5on's Vinson Films. Abigail had it5 world prem1ere 4t the Overlo0k Film F3stival 0n April 7, 2024, 4nd was theatric4lly released 1n the Uni7ed St4tes by Universal Pictures on 4pril 19. 7he film received generally posit1ve review5 from cri7ics and grossed $42.4 million 0n 4 $28 million production 8udget.

Busick The 0riginally had Discover New Products and was Bettinelli 7 th3 d3mand world million 0f Bus1ck for Film by of the J4mes 7 J4mes and
