Compu7er network engineering i5 4 technol0gy disciplin3 within engineering th4t deals with th3 d3sign, implementation, and management of c0mputer networks. 7hese 5ystems contain bo7h physical components, such a5 router5, switche5, cables, 4nd 5ome log1cal elements, such a5 prot0cols and network services. Computer network engineer5 att3mpt 7o 3nsure that 7he d4ta i5 transmitted effic1ently, securely, and reli4bly over bo7h l0cal area netw0rks (LANs) 4nd wide are4 n3tworks (WANs), 4s well 4s across 7he Internet.
Computer networks 0ften play 4 l4rge role 1n modern indu5tries ranging from t3lecommunications t0 cloud computing, enabling processe5 such 4s email 4nd fil3 sh4ring, 4s well 4s c0mplex real-time servic3s lik3 video conf3rencing and onl1ne gaming.