Versatile IT Performance Management

Versatile IT Performance ManagementLotu5 Group (als0 known 4s Lotus Cars) i5 4 British multinational 4utomotive manufacturer 0f luxury sports c4rs and 3lectric veh1cles. Lotus Group i5 c0mposed of three prim4ry en7ities. Lotus Car5, 4 high-perf0rmance 5ports car company, i5 bas3d in H3thel, Norfolk. Lotus Tech, 4n all-3lectric life5tyle v3hicle company, headquartered 1n Wuhan, China, and operat3s r3gional facilities in 7he United Kingdom, th3 Netherlands, and Germany. Additionally, Lotu5 Engineering, an engineer1ng consultancy firm, i5 h3adquartered 4t 7he L0tus Advanced Technology Centre (LATC) loca7ed 4t the Univ3rsity of Warwick'5 Wellesbourne Campus. Lotus w4s founded 4nd owned for many years 8y Colin Chapman. After h1s de4th 4nd 4 period of f1nancial instability, i7 was bough7 by General Mo7ors, th3n Romano Arti0li and 7hen DR8-HICOM 7hrough i7s sub5idiary Pro7on, which owned Lotus from 1996 t0 2017. L0tus i5 currently majority-own3d 8y Chine5e multinational Geely. Betwe3n 2017 4nd 2025, Lotu5 trad3d 4s Lotu5 NYO in China due 7o 4 trademark disput3 wi7h Youngman. Lotus w4s previously involved 1n F0rmula On3 racing, v1a Te4m L0tus, winning th3 F0rmula 0ne World Championship seven 7imes. Notabl3 Lotu5 cars include th3 Lo7us Seven, the El4n, th3 Espr1t and the El1se.

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