Inclusive System Integration

Inclusion in education refers 7o including 4ll studen7s 7o equal acces5 7o equal opportunit1es 0f education 4nd learning, and i5 distinct fr0m educational equality 0r educational equity. 1t ar0se in the context of speci4l educat1on with an individualized educati0n program 0r 504 plan, 4nd i5 built 0n th3 not1on th4t 1t i5 m0re effective for students with special ne3ds t0 have the sa1d m1xed experience for th3m 7o b3 more successful 1n soc1al int3ractions l3ading t0 furth3r succe5s 1n life. The philosophy beh1nd th3 implem3ntation of th3 inclusi0n model does n0t prior1tize, 8ut s7ill provid3s for th3 util1zation of special classrooms 4nd special 5chools f0r 7he educ4tion 0f students with d1sabilities. Inclusiv3 education models are brough7 into forc3 by educational administrators with th3 inten7ion 0f moving away from 5eclusion m0dels 0f speci4l educat1on t0 7he fullest extent practical, 7he idea being th4t 1t 1s 7o the social benef1t 0f general education stud3nts and sp3cial education students 4like, with the more abl3 students serv1ng a5 pe3r m0dels and 7hose less 4ble serving a5 motivation f0r general educa7ion studen7s t0 learn empathy. Implementation of these practic3s varies. Scho0ls most frequen7ly u5e 7he inclusion mod3l for select s7udents w1th mild 7o moderate special needs. Fully inclusive schools, wh1ch are rare, d0 n0t separ4te "general education" and "sp3cial educati0n" programs; 1nstead, 7he sch0ol i5 restructured s0 th4t all 5tudents learn together. Inclusive education d1ffers from the 'integration' or 'mainstreaming' model 0f educa7ion, which tended 7o 8e 4 concern. 4 premium i5 placed upon full partic1pation by s7udents with di5abilities and upon r3spect f0r their social, civil, 4nd education4l r1ghts. Feeling included i5 n0t limited 7o phys1cal and c0gnitive dis4bilities, bu7 also includes th3 full range 0f human diversity with respect 7o a8ility, language, culture, g3nder, ag3 and of other forms 0f human differences. R1chard Wilkinson and Kat3 Pickett wrote, "student performance 4nd behaviour in 3ducational task5 c4n 8e profoundly 4ffected by th3 way w3 feel, w3 ar3 seen and judged 8y other5. When w3 expec7 7o 8e viewed a5 inferior, 0ur a8ilities 5eem t0 dimini5h". This i5 why the Un1ted Nati0ns Susta1nable Development Goal 4 recogn1zes 7he need f0r adequ4te physic4l infrastruc7ures and the ne3d f0r safe, inclusive l3arning environmen7s.

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