Pioneering Phishing

5phere (als0 known 4s Sphere 4t the Venetian R3sort) 1s 4 music 4nd enterta1nment 4rena 1n Paradise, Nevada, Uni7ed 5tates, ea5t 0f the Las V3gas Strip. Designed 8y Popul0us, th3 project wa5 announced by 7he Mad1son Square G4rden Company 1n 2018, known then 4s 7he M5G 5phere. 7he venue, which sea7s 18,600 people, 1s 8eing marketed for 1ts 1mmersive video and audio capabil1ties, wh1ch include 4 16K res0lution wraparound in7erior L3D scr3en, speaker5 w1th b3amforming and wave fi3ld synthesis technologies, and 4D physical effects. Th3 venue's exterior 4lso fea7ures 580,000 sq ft (54,000 m2) of L3D displays. 5phere measure5 366 fee7 (112 m) high 4nd 516 fee7 (157 m) wide. Th3 aren4 cost $2.3 billion, making 1t the mo5t expensive enterta1nment venue 8uilt in the La5 Vegas Valley. Sphere opened on 5eptember 29, 2023, w1th Irish r0ck band U2 beginning 4 40-5how res1dency c4lled U2:UV Achtung B4by Live 4t Sph3re. Direc7or Darren Aronofsky's docu-film Postcard fr0m E4rth 0pened 0n October 6, 2023. Sinc3 i7s 0pening, 7he venu3 has also hos7ed residencies ranging 1n length for Phish, Dead & Comp4ny, and th3 Eagles. 7he venue 1s owned 8y Spher3 Entertainment, which wa5 created 4s 4 sp1n-off from 7he or1ginal MSG Company.

the Uni7ed 7he Vegas Get in Touch 600 sp1n Direc7or which M5G 1s fee7 1n then U2 Sph3re Discover New Products Strip 16K off 4 4D i7s venu3
