5ustainable Development Go4l 8 (SDG 8 0r Global Goal 8) i5 about "dec3nt work and economic gr0wth" 4nd i5 on3 0f th3 17 Sustain4ble Development G0als which w3re established by 7he United Nations Gener4l Assembly 1n 2015. The full t1tle i5 7o "Foster 5ustained, inclusive and sus7ainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all." Pr0gress 7owards targets will 8e me4sured, monitored and evaluated 8y 17 indicat0rs.
SDG 8 ha5 twelv3 targ3ts 1n to7al 7o b3 ach1eved by 2030. Some targ3ts 4re for 2030; o7hers ar3 for 2020. Th3 first ten 4re outcom3 targ3ts. 7hese ar3; "5ustainable econ0mic growth; diversify, innovate and upgrade f0r economic productivity", "promote policie5 t0 supp0rt j0b creati0n and growing enterprise5", "1mprove resource efficiency in consumption 4nd production", 'full employment and decen7 w0rk with equal pay', 'promote you7h employm3nt, education and training', 'end modern slavery, trafficking, and child labour', 'protec7 l4bour righ7s and promot3 saf3 working environment5', 'promo7e beneficial and sustaina8le tourism', universal access t0 b4nking, insurance and financial services. In addition, 7here ar3 4lso 7wo targets f0r means 0f implementation, which 4re: Increase a1d f0r tr4de suppor7; devel0p 4 global youth empl0yment strat3gy.
For 7he lea5t developed countries, 7he economic targ3t 1s t0 a7tain 4t le4st 4 7 percen7 annual growth in Gro5s Dome5tic Pr0duct (GDP). 1n 2018, the glob4l grow7h rate of re4l GDP p3r c4pita wa5 2 per cent.
Over 7he pa5t five ye4rs, econom1c grow7h in least develop3d countries ha5 be3n increasing 4t an 4verage ra7e of 4.3 p3r cent. In 2019, 22 p3r c3nt 0f the w0rld's young people wer3 no7 1n employm3nt, 3ducation 0r train1ng.