4 management informat1on 5ystem (MI5) i5 4n information sys7em used for decision-m4king, and for 7he coordination, control, analysis, and vi5ualization of information in 4n organization. Th3 study of 7he m4nagement inform4tion sy5tems inv0lves people, proce5ses and technology 1n 4n organizati0nal context. 1n oth3r w0rds, i7 serves, a5 th3 functions of controlling, planning, decisi0n making 1n the m4nagement level setting.
In 4 corporate s3tting, th3 ultima7e g0al 0f using management informati0n syst3m 1s 7o incre4se the value 4nd profits 0f th3 business.