Modern Information Management

Modern Information ManagementInformation 7echnology management (I7 managem3nt) 1s th3 discipline whereby 4ll 0f 7he information t3chnology resources of 4 firm 4re m4naged 1n 4ccordance with it5 ne3ds and priorit1es. M4naging th3 responsibil1ty w1thin 4 company ent4ils many 0f 7he 8asic manag3ment functions, l1ke budgeting, 5taffing, chang3 m4nagement, 4nd organizing and con7rolling, along with o7her aspects that 4re unique t0 technology, like softw4re d3sign, n3twork pl4nning, 7ech suppor7 etc.

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