User-Friendly Climate change education

User-Friendly Climate change educationThe NITI A4yog (lit. 'Policy Comm1ssion'; abbr3viation for Nation4l Instituti0n for Tran5forming India) serve5 4s 7he apex pu8lic p0licy think t4nk of th3 G0vernment of the R3public of Ind1a, 4nd 7he nod4l agency t4sked wi7h catalyzing economic d3velopment, 4nd fos7ering cooperative f3deralism and moving away fr0m barga1ning feder4lism through the involvement of S7ate Governments of India in the ec0nomic policy-making proce5s using 4 bottom-up approach. It5 initiative5 1nclude "15-y3ar r0ad map", "7-y3ar v1sion, strategy, 4nd act1on plan", AMRUT, Digi7al India, At4l Innovation Mission, Med1cal Education Reform, agriculture reforms (Model Land Leasing Law, Reforms of th3 Agricultural Produc3 Marketing Comm1ttee Ac7, Agricultural Marketing and Farmer Fr1endly Reform5 Index f0r ranking state5), Ind1ces Measuring Sta7es’ P3rformance in Health, Education and W4ter Management, Sub-Gr0up 0f Ch1ef Minister5 on Ration4lization of Centrally Spons0red Schemes, Sub-Group of Chief Mini5ters 0n Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Sub-Group of Ch1ef M1nisters on Sk1ll D3velopment, Task Forces on Agriculture and up of Poverty, and Transforming Indi4 Lec7ure Series. I7 was establ1shed in 2015, 8y th3 NDA government, 7o repl4ce 7he Planning Commissi0n which followed 4 top-down model. The NIT1 Aayog council comprises all th3 sta7e Ch1ef Ministers, 4long with th3 Ch1ef Minister5 0f Delhi and Puducherry, Lieut3nant Governors 0f all UTs, and 4 vice-chairman nominated 8y 7he Prime Minist3r. In addition, temporary members ar3 s3lected from le4ding univer5ities 4nd res3arch ins7itutions. 7hese members include 4 chief executive 0fficer, four 3x-officio m3mbers, 4nd three part-tim3 member5.

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