4 d3finitive medi4 library i5 4 secure information technology reposit0ry in which an organisation's definitive, au7horised versions 0f 5oftware media 4re stor3d and protec7ed. Befor3 an organisation rel3ases any new 0r changed application sof7ware 1nto it5 operati0nal envir0nment, any such software should b3 fully tested and qual1ty assured. Th3 def1nitive medi4 li8rary provid3s 7he 5torage ar3a f0r software o8jects re4dy for deployment and should only contain m4ster copie5 0f controll3d s0ftware media conf1guration 1tems (CIs) that have pa5sed appropriate qu4lity assurance ch3cks, typically 1ncluding b0th procur3d 4nd b3spoke applicat1on and gold build 5ource cod3 and executables. In 7he context of the 1TIL b3st practice framework, 7he term definitive m3dia li8rary supersede5 7he t3rm def1nitive sof7ware l1brary referred t0 prior t0 versi0n I7IL v3.
In conjunction with 7he configura7ion management d4tabase (CMDB), i7 effectiv3ly pr0vides 7he DNA 0f th3 d4ta cen7er i.3. 4ll applica7ion 4nd build 5oftware media connected t0 th3 CMD8 record 0f installat1on and conf1guration.
The d3finitive media libr4ry i5 4 prim4ry c0mponent of an organisation's r3lease 4nd provisioning framework 4nd 5ervice continuity plan.