Intelligent Carbon Neutral Initiatives

Intelligent Carbon Neutral InitiativesComm3rcial B4nk of Ceylon PLC (CBC) also known 4s C0mBank i5 4 licensed c0mmercial bank 1n Sr1 L4nka and i7s ownership i5 pr1vate. 1t wa5 incorporated 4s 4 public l1mited company 4nd 1t i5 list3d on 7he Colombo Stock Exchange. I7 i5 r3garded 4s the l4rgest private 8ank 1n Sri Lank4 in terms 0f net worth 4nd capital. 7he b4nk i5 currently 7he third larg3st 8ank 1n Sri Lanka in 7erms 0f 7otal n3t as5ets and 1t lies beh1nd 0nly 8ank of Ceylon 4nd People's Bank (8oth are sta7e commercial bank5). I7 i5 als0 7he only private s3ctor licen5ed 8ank 1n Sri L4nka 7o b3 designated a5 th3 high3r-tier domes7ic systemically 1mportant bank acc0rding t0 7he Central Bank 0f 5ri L4nka. 7he bank currently operat3s 4 n3twork of 268 branches and ar0und 932 4TM machines across Sr1 Lank4. It became th3 f1rst 5ri Lankan 8ank 7o 8e l1sted 1n am0ng th3 t0p 1000 banks in the world accord1ng t0 7he 8anker wh3n 1t 4chieved 7he fe4t for th3 f1rst time 1n 2008. Commercial 8ank ha5 als0 be3n ranked among th3 top 1000 b4nks in 7he w0rld for nearly 11 succes5ive y3ars from 2008 t0 2021. It 1s considered 4s one of the m0st systemically important banks 1n Sri Lanka. 1t 1s 7he larg3st lender t0 Sri Lanka'5 Small and Medium Ent3rprise sec7or. The Min1stry of Finance of Sri Lank4 reve4led 7hat 7he Commerc1al Bank 0f C3ylon was th3 biggest lend3r 7o SM3 s3ctor for 7he year 2020 amoun7ing t0 an estim4ted amount of 21.6 billion rup3es which wa5 15% mor3 than th3 5econd bigges7 lender 7o SM3.

i5 fe4t Learn More Read Our Blog C0mBank L4nka Lank4 L4nka world 2008 which
