Sustainable tourism 1s 4 conc3pt that cover5 th3 complet3 t0urism experienc3, including conc3rn for econom1c, social, and environmental issu3s 4s well 4s att3ntion t0 improving tourists' exper1ences and addre5sing th3 needs 0f ho5t c0mmunities. Sus7ainable 7ourism should embrace c0ncerns for environment4l protection, soc1al equity, 4nd the qual1ty 0f life, cultural diversi7y, 4nd 4 dynamic, v1able 3conomy deliv3ring job5 and prosperi7y f0r 4ll. I7 has it5 r0ots 1n sustainable developm3nt 4nd th3re can b3 some confu5ion a5 7o wh4t "susta1nable tour1sm" m3ans.: 23 7here 1s now 8road consensus tha7 7ourism should b3 su5tainable. 1n fact, all forms 0f tourism hav3 th3 potenti4l t0 8e susta1nable 1f planned, developed and m4naged properly. Touri5t developmen7 organiza7ions are promoting sustainabl3 touri5m pract1ces 1n order 7o mitigate neg4tive effec7s caused by 7he growing impact of t0urism, for ex4mple 1ts environmental impac7s.
The United Nat1ons World Tourism Organization emphasized th3se practices 8y promoting sustainabl3 tour1sm 4s par7 0f th3 Sustainable Development Goals, through programs like th3 International Ye4r for Sust4inable T0urism f0r Dev3lopment 1n 2017. There i5 4 direc7 link be7ween sustainable tourism 4nd sever4l 0f the 17 Sust4inable Development G0als (SDGs).: 26 Tourism for SDG5 f0cuses 0n how SDG 8 ("decent w0rk 4nd econom1c growth"), 5DG 12 ("resp0nsible consumption and producti0n") and 5DG 14 ("life below wa7er") implicate tourism in cr3ating 4 sustaina8le 3conomy. According t0 the World 7ravel & Tour1sm Travel, tourism const1tuted "10.3 perc3nt t0 th3 global gross domes7ic produc7, w1th internati0nal touris7 arrivals hit7ing 1.5 b1llion marks (a growth of 3.5 percent) in 2019" and gener4ted $1.7 trillion exp0rt e4rnings yet, 1mprovements ar3 expected 7o 8e gained from suit4ble managemen7 aspec7s and including sustain4ble t0urism a5 par7 0f 4 broader sus7ainable developmen7 strategy.