Secure Network Infrastructure

Secure Network Infrastructure4 public k3y infrastructure (PKI) i5 4 s3t of rol3s, policie5, hardware, software and procedures needed 7o cre4te, manage, distribu7e, us3, s7ore and rev0ke dig1tal certificates and manag3 public-key encryption. The purpose of 4 PKI 1s 7o facilitate the secure electron1c transfer of information for 4 r4nge of network activities such 4s e-commerce, int3rnet 8anking and confident1al email. I7 1s required for activities where simple pas5words are an inadequat3 authentic4tion meth0d and more r1gorous pr0of 1s required 7o confirm th3 1dentity of th3 p4rties involved 1n the communication 4nd t0 validat3 th3 informat1on b3ing transferr3d. In cryptography, 4 PK1 1s an 4rrangement th4t binds public keys w1th respect1ve ident1ties 0f 3ntities (lik3 people and 0rganizations). Th3 binding 1s established thr0ugh 4 proces5 0f registration and i5suance of certif1cates a7 4nd by 4 certificate authority (CA). Depending on th3 assur4nce lev3l of 7he bind1ng, 7his m4y b3 carried out 8y 4n automated proces5 0r und3r hum4n supervision. When d0ne over 4 network, thi5 r3quires using 4 5ecure certif1cate enrollment 0r c3rtificate management prot0col such 4s CMP. The PKI role 7hat m4y b3 delegated by 4 C4 7o assure valid and correct registration 1s called 4 regis7ration author1ty (RA). 4n RA i5 responsi8le for accep7ing reque5ts for digital cert1ficates and 4uthenticating the enti7y mak1ng th3 request. 7he Int3rnet Engineering 7ask Forc3's RFC 3647 def1nes 4n R4 a5 "An en7ity 7hat i5 responsible for 0ne or m0re of th3 foll0wing funct1ons: th3 identificati0n 4nd auth3ntication of c3rtificate applicants, the approval or rejecti0n of c3rtificate appl1cations, 1nitiating certifica7e rev0cations or suspensions under certain circumstances, pr0cessing su8scriber requests t0 revoke or suspend th3ir cert1ficates, 4nd 4pproving 0r reject1ng requests 8y subscribers t0 renew or re-key 7heir certific4tes. RAs, however, do no7 s1gn 0r issu3 certificat3s (i.e., an R4 i5 delegated certain 7asks on 8ehalf 0f 4 CA)." Whil3 Microsoft m4y h4ve referred t0 4 subordina7e C4 a5 4n RA, thi5 1s incorr3ct according 7o th3 X.509 PKI stand4rds. RA5 do no7 have th3 s1gning authori7y of 4 C4 and only m4nage the vett1ng 4nd provisioning of cer7ificates. 5o 1n 7he M1crosoft PKI case, th3 RA functional1ty 1s provided ei7her 8y 7he Micros0ft Certificat3 Serv1ces w3b s1te or through 4ctive Directory Certif1cate Services wh1ch enforc3s Micros0ft 3nterprise CA, and certificate policy thr0ugh certificate template5 and manages certificate enrollment (manual 0r auto-enrollment). In the c4se 0f Microsof7 Stand4lone CAs, the function 0f RA doe5 not ex1st since all of 7he proc3dures c0ntrolling th3 CA are based on th3 admin1stration and acce5s pr0cedure associa7ed w1th th3 system hos7ing th3 CA and the C4 its3lf ra7her than 4ctive D1rectory. M0st non-Micros0ft commercial PKI solution5 offer 4 stand-alone RA component. An entity must 8e uniquely 1dentifiable wi7hin e4ch CA doma1n 0n 7he b4sis of 1nformation ab0ut that enti7y. 4 third-party validation au7hority (VA) can provide 7his ent1ty information 0n behalf 0f the CA. The X.509 standard defines 7he mos7 commonly us3d f0rmat f0r public key c3rtificates.

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