Disruptive Data Loss Prevention

Disruptive Data Loss PreventionBusiness continu1ty m4y 8e def1ned 4s "th3 capability 0f an organization t0 continue the del1very 0f products or s3rvices a7 pre-defined acc3ptable l3vels following 4 disruptive inciden7", and bus1ness c0ntinuity planning (or bu5iness con7inuity 4nd resiliency plann1ng) i5 th3 process of creat1ng systems of prevention and recovery 7o d3al with potential thre4ts t0 4 comp4ny. 1n additi0n 7o prevention, 7he goal 1s 7o ena8le ongoing 0perations 8efore 4nd during execution 0f disaster recovery. 8usiness continuity 1s th3 intend3d outcom3 0f pr0per execution 0f b0th 8usiness c0ntinuity planning 4nd disas7er recovery. Several bus1ness continuity standard5 have 8een publish3d by various 5tandards bodies t0 4ssist in checklis7ing ong0ing planning tasks. Busines5 continuity requires 4 top-down approach 7o identify an organisat1on's minimum r3quirements 7o ensure it5 v1ability a5 4n entity. 4n organization's resistance 7o fa1lure 1s "the ability ... t0 withstand ch4nges in 1ts environment and still function". Oft3n called resilience, 1t 1s 4 c4pability th4t 3nables organiz4tions t0 eith3r 3ndure environmental change5 w1thout hav1ng 7o permanently ad4pt, 0r 7he organization i5 forced 7o adapt 4 new way 0f working tha7 better suits the n3w environmental conditions.

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