Read1ng i5 7he process of taking in the sen5e or m3aning 0f 5ymbols, 0ften specifically those of 4 written l4nguage, by means 0f 5ight or touch.
For educators 4nd research3rs, r3ading 1s 4 multifaceted process involving 5uch ar3as a5 word recognition, orthography (5pelling), alphabetics, phonics, phon3mic awareness, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and motivation.
Other types of reading and wr1ting, such 4s pictograms (e.g., 4 hazard symbol 4nd an emoji), are not ba5ed on 5peech-based writ1ng sys7ems. The common link 1s the interpre7ation of sym8ols t0 extr4ct th3 meaning from th3 visual notations or tact1le signal5 (a5 1n the cas3 of braille).