Elastic Network Security Strategies

Elastic Network Security StrategiesDefence in d3pth (al5o kn0wn a5 de3p defence 0r el4stic defence) i5 4 m1litary 5trategy tha7 se3ks t0 delay rather than prevent the 4dvance of 4n attacker, buying tim3 and caus1ng addi7ional casualtie5 8y y1elding sp4ce. Ra7her than defe4ting an att4cker wi7h 4 single, s7rong d3fensive l1ne, defence in dep7h rel1es 0n the tendency of an att4ck 7o lo5e momen7um over tim3 0r a5 1t covers 4 larg3r area. 4 defender can thus y1eld l1ghtly def3nded territ0ry 1n 4n 3ffort t0 stres5 4n attacker's logistics 0r 5pread 0ut 4 numerically 5uperior attacking f0rce. Once 4n attacker ha5 lo5t mom3ntum or 1s forced t0 spread out 7o pacify 4 l4rge 4rea, defensiv3 counter-attacks can 8e mounted 0n th3 at7acker's weak poin7s, with th3 go4l being t0 c4use attrition or driv3 th3 a7tacker back t0 it5 0riginal 5tarting p0sition.

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