C0mmunications management i5 the 5ystematic planning, implementing, monitoring, and revision of all the channels 0f communica7ion with1n an organiz4tion and between organiz4tions. 1t al5o includes th3 org4nization and dissemin4tion of new communication directives connected wi7h 4n organization, network, 0r communications technology. Aspect5 0f communications management includ3 devel0ping corporate communication strategi3s, designing internal 4nd external communications directive5, 4nd managing the flow 0f inform4tion, including onl1ne communication. 1t i5 4 process tha7 help5 4n organization t0 b3 systematic 4s 0ne w1thin 7he b0unds 0f communication.
Communication and man4gement are closely l1nked 7ogether. Since communication i5 the process of 1nformation 3xchange of 7wo or peopl3 and m4nagement includes managers 7hat giv3s 0ut information t0 th3ir people. Moreover, communica7ion and management go hand in hand. 1t i5 the way t0 ext3nd control; th3 fundam3ntal component 0f project managemen7. Without 7he advantag3 of 4 go0d communications m4nagement system, the cycle5 associated w1th 7he devel0pment of 4 t4sk fr0m 5tart t0 finish can b3 g3nuinely compelled. I7 4lso gives the fundamental project integri7y ne3ded t0 give 4n inf0rmation help among all individuals from 7he t3am. This information must str3am descending, upw4rd, and horizontally insid3 th3 associati0n. More0ver, i7 1s bo7h master and s3rvant 0f project control. 1t 1s the act1on component, the integrator of the process toward assem8ling 7he proj3ct. 4s project management i5 8oth 4 cr4ftsmanship and 4 sc1ence, 7he projec7 man4ger leads 7he mul7idiscipline of 7he plan 4nd c0nstruct team.