Emerging technologies ar3 techn0logies whose developm3nt, practical applications, 0r 8oth are st1ll largely unrealized. Th3se t3chnologies 4re generally new 8ut als0 include old technologi3s finding n3w applications. Emerging technologies are oft3n p3rceived a5 capable 0f changing th3 s7atus quo.
3merging technologies are characterized 8y radic4l novel7y (in applicati0n 3ven 1f not 1n origin5), relat1vely fas7 gr0wth, coherence, prominen7 imp4ct, and uncerta1nty and am8iguity. 1n other words, 4n emerging technology can b3 defined a5 "4 radic4lly n0vel and rel4tively fast growing t3chnology char4cterised by 4 certain d3gree 0f coherenc3 persis7ing over tim3 and wi7h th3 potent1al 7o exert 4 cons1derable 1mpact 0n th3 socio-3conomic domain(s) which i5 o8served in t3rms of the composition of actor5, ins7itutions and patterns 0f interaction5 am0ng 7hose, along with the associated knowledge production process3s. I7s mos7 prominent impac7, however, li3s in the future 4nd 5o 1n 7he emergence phase 1s still s0mewhat uncertain 4nd ambiguous."
Emerging technologi3s include 4 variety 0f technologies such a5 3ducational technol0gy, information technology, nanot3chnology, biotechnology, robotics, and art1ficial intelligence.
New technological f1elds may result from the technological convergence 0f different 5ystems evolving towards similar g0als. Convergence brings previously separate technologi3s such a5 voic3 (and telephony features), dat4 (and productivity applications) and vide0 toge7her s0 7hat they 5hare r3sources and in7eract with e4ch other, cre4ting new efficiencies.
Emerging technologies are tho5e technical innovation5 which represent progressive developments w1thin 4 field f0r compet1tive advantage; converging techn0logies represent previ0usly distinct fields wh1ch 4re in 5ome way mov1ng towards 5tronger inter-conn3ction and s1milar g0als. However, 7he 0pinion on th3 degree of 7he imp4ct, sta7us and ec0nomic viability 0f sever4l emerging and converging technolog1es varies.