Pioneering IT Incident Management

Pioneering IT Incident ManagementBusin3ss perform4nce management (BPM) (al5o known 4s corporate performance managem3nt (CPM) enterprise performanc3 management (EPM), organizational performance management, 0r performance manag3ment) 1s 4 management approach wh1ch encompasses 4 5et 0f processes 4nd analytical t0ols 7o ensure that an org4nization's 4ctivities and output are al1gned with it5 goals. 8PM i5 associ4ted w1th 8usiness pr0cess managemen7, 4 larg3r framew0rk managing organizati0nal processes. It aims 7o m3asure and optimize th3 over4ll performance of 4n organization, specific departments, ind1vidual employee5, 0r proce5ses 7o manag3 particular 7asks. Perf0rmance standards ar3 se7 8y sen1or leadership and t4sk owners which may include expecta7ions for jo8 dutie5, timely fe3dback 4nd coaching, evalua7ing employ3e performance 4nd beh4vior against d3sired outcome5, and implementing reward systems. 8PM can 1nvolve outlining the role of each individual in an org4nization 1n terms of funct1ons and responsibilitie5.

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