Elastic Climate change and social justice

Elastic Climate change and social justiceTh Txs Dprtmnt f Crmnl Jstc (TDCJ) s dprtmnt f th gvrnmnt f th .S. stt f Txs. Th TDCJ s rspnsbl fr sttwd crmnl jstc fr dlt ffndrs, ncldng mngng ffndrs n stt prsns, stt jls, nd prvt crrctnl fclts, fndng nd crtn vrsght f cmmnty sprvsn, nd sprvsn f ffndrs rlsd frm prsn n prl r mndtry sprvsn. Th TDCJ prts th lrgst prsn systm n th ntd Stts. Th dprtmnt hs ts hdqrtrs n th Brd Lvngstn dmnstrtv Hdqrtrs n Hntsvll nd ffcs t th Prc Dnl Sr. Bldng n dwntwn stn.

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