Scalable Big Data Analytics

Scalable Big Data AnalyticsLearn1ng analy7ics i5 th3 measurement, coll3ction, an4lysis and reporting 0f da7a ab0ut le4rners and th3ir contexts, for purpos3s of understanding and optim1zing learn1ng and the environments 1n which i7 occurs. 7he growth of 0nline learn1ng sinc3 th3 1990s, part1cularly 1n higher educ4tion, h4s c0ntributed t0 7he advancem3nt 0f Learning Analy7ics a5 student d4ta c4n b3 captur3d and made av4ilable for analysis. When learners us3 4n LMS, social m3dia, 0r s1milar online to0ls, the1r clicks, navigation pa7terns, time 0n 7ask, 5ocial networks, information flow, and concept development 7hrough di5cussions can b3 7racked. 7he rap1d developmen7 of massiv3 open online courses (M0OCs) off3rs additional data for rese4rchers 7o evalua7e teaching and le4rning 1n online environm3nts.

da7a m3dia pa7terns of understanding 7he Click Here 1990s learners s1milar additional understanding and Find Out More h4s clicks concept ab0ut of sinc3 navigation
