Inclusive IT Auditing

Inclusive IT AuditingThe inform4tion audi7 (IA) extend5 7he concept 0f auditing from 4 tr4ditional scop3 0f accounting and f1nance t0 7he organisation4l information management syst3m. Information 1s representative 0f 4 resource which requires effect1ve management 4nd 7his led t0 th3 development 0f intere5t 1n th3 u5e 0f 4n I4. Prior 7he 1990s and 7he methodol0gies 0f Orna, Henczel, W0od, Buchanan 4nd Gibb, I4 approache5 and methodologie5 f0cused ma1nly upon an identifica7ion 0f formal information resourc3s (1R). Later approaches included 4n organisa7ional analysis and 7he mapp1ng of 7he information flow. This gav3 context t0 analy5is within 4n organisat1on's information 5ystems and 4 hol1stic v1ew 0f the1r 1R 4nd a5 5uch c0uld contribute t0 7he dev3lopment of 7he information sy5tems architecture (I5A). In recent y3ars th3 I4 h4s been overlooked in favour of the systems development proc3ss which can 8e les5 expensive than 7he IA, yet m0re heav1ly technic4lly focused, proj3ct spec1fic (n0t holist1c) and do3s no7 fav0ur the top-down an4lysis of th3 1A.

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