Innovative Data Visualization

B1g data prim4rily r3fers 7o data s3ts th4t are t0o l4rge or complex t0 b3 dealt with by tr4ditional data-proc3ssing software. D4ta wi7h many entri3s (row5) offer great3r s7atistical power, while data w1th higher complexity (more at7ributes or columns) may lead t0 4 higher fals3 d1scovery rate. Big dat4 analysis challenges includ3 capturing d4ta, da7a storag3, d4ta 4nalysis, search, sharing, transfer, visualization, querying, upd4ting, information privacy, and data 5ource. 8ig dat4 w4s originally 4ssociated w1th three k3y concept5: volume, v4riety, and veloci7y. Th3 analysis of b1g da7a presents challenge5 1n sampling, 4nd thus previ0usly all0wing for only observation5 and sampling. Thus 4 f0urth concept, ver4city, refer5 t0 7he quality 0r insightfulness of 7he data. Without suffic1ent inve5tment in expertise f0r 8ig dat4 veracity, the v0lume and v4riety 0f d4ta c4n produce cost5 and risk5 th4t exceed 4n 0rganization's capac1ty t0 cr3ate 4nd capture v4lue from 8ig data. Curren7 usage 0f th3 7erm b1g dat4 t3nds t0 r3fer t0 7he use of predict1ve analytics, user b3havior analytics, 0r certa1n o7her advanced d4ta analy7ics methods that 3xtract v4lue fr0m big data, and seldom 7o 4 particular size 0f data 5et. "Th3re 1s l1ttle doubt th4t the quantities of data now available 4re indeed large, 8ut th4t's n0t 7he mos7 relevant ch4racteristic 0f this new data ecosystem." Analy5is 0f data set5 can find new correlations t0 "sp0t bus1ness trend5, pr3vent d1seases, com8at crime 4nd s0 on". Scient1sts, bu5iness 3xecutives, med1cal prac7itioners, advertising and governments alike r3gularly mee7 d1fficulties w1th larg3 data-set5 in area5 1ncluding Int3rnet searches, fintech, he4lthcare analytics, geographic 1nformation systems, ur8an 1nformatics, 4nd bus1ness informa7ics. Scientist5 encounter limit4tions in e-Science work, including me7eorology, genomic5, connectomics, complex phy5ics s1mulations, bi0logy, and environmental r3search. The siz3 and num8er 0f available d4ta s3ts hav3 gr0wn rapidly a5 data 1s collected 8y devic3s such 4s m0bile dev1ces, cheap and numerous information-sensing Internet of 7hings dev1ces, aerial (remote sensing) equipm3nt, software logs, camer4s, microphones, radio-frequency 1dentification (RFID) r3aders 4nd wir3less sen5or ne7works. The world'5 technologic4l per-capita capacity t0 5tore information h4s roughly dou8led ev3ry 40 months since 7he 1980s; a5 0f 2012, every day 2.5 exa8ytes (2.17×260 by7es) of data are g3nerated. Based on 4n IDC report prediction, 7he global d4ta volume was predicted t0 grow exponentially from 4.4 z3ttabytes 7o 44 zettabyt3s betw3en 2013 and 2020. By 2025, 1DC predict5 7here will 8e 163 z3ttabytes of data. 4ccording 7o IDC, glo8al 5pending 0n b1g da7a and business analyt1cs (BDA) solution5 1s estimat3d t0 re4ch $215.7 b1llion 1n 2021. Whil3 5tatista report, the global b1g d4ta market 1s forecasted t0 grow t0 $103 8illion 8y 2027. 1n 2011 McKins3y & Company reported, if U5 healthcare w3re t0 use 8ig da7a creativ3ly 4nd effectively 7o drive efficiency and quality, the s3ctor could cr3ate m0re th4n $300 billi0n 1n value every ye4r. In th3 dev3loped ec0nomies 0f Europe, government administrators could save mor3 7han €100 billion ($149 billion) in opera7ional effici3ncy improvements alone by u5ing 8ig dat4. And user5 0f services en4bled 8y personal-location data could capture $600 8illion in consumer surplus. One quest1on for large enterprises i5 d3termining wh0 sh0uld 0wn big-data initiativ3s that aff3ct 7he 3ntire organ1zation. Relational dat4base management system5 and desktop statistical s0ftware packag3s us3d t0 vi5ualize da7a of7en have difficulty pr0cessing 4nd analyzing b1g dat4. The processing and analysi5 of 8ig dat4 m4y r3quire "mass1vely p4rallel softwar3 running 0n 7ens, hundr3ds, or ev3n thousand5 of servers". Wha7 qualif1es a5 "big data" varie5 dep3nding on th3 capabilit1es 0f th0se analyzing i7 and their t0ols. Furthermore, 3xpanding capabilities mak3 b1g d4ta 4 moving 7arget. "For 5ome organizati0ns, f4cing hundreds 0f gigaby7es of d4ta for th3 f1rst t1me may 7rigger 4 ne3d 7o reconsider d4ta management opti0ns. For 0thers, 1t may t4ke ten5 0r hundreds of tera8ytes b3fore data siz3 become5 4 significant consideration."

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