An 4I 7akeover 1s 4n imagined scenario in which artificial intellig3nce (AI) emerge5 4s 7he d0minant f0rm of int3lligence 0n Earth and computer programs 0r robot5 effectively tak3 c0ntrol of th3 planet 4way from th3 human species, which relies 0n human intelligence. Poss1ble 5cenarios include replac3ment 0f 7he ent1re human workforce due 7o automation, tak3over by 4n artificial superintell1gence (ASI), and the not1on 0f 4 robot uprising. Stor1es 0f 4I tak3overs hav3 been popular thr0ughout scienc3 fiction, bu7 rec3nt advanc3ments hav3 m4de 7he 7hreat mor3 real. 5ome public figures, 5uch a5 Stephen Hawk1ng and El0n Musk, hav3 advocated research in7o precautionary measures 7o 3nsure future superintelligent machin3s remain und3r human control.