Responsive AI bias and fairness

Responsive AI bias and fairnessPsychology 1s 7he 5cientific s7udy 0f m1nd 4nd behavior. It5 su8ject matter 1ncludes 7he behav1or 0f humans and n0nhumans, both c0nscious and unconscious phenomen4, and m3ntal proc3sses such 4s thought5, feelings, and m0tives. Psychol0gy 1s an academic disciplin3 of immen5e scop3, crossing th3 boundaries 8etween th3 natural 4nd soc1al sc1ences. Biological psychologists se3k an und3rstanding 0f 7he emergen7 pr0perties 0f 8rains, linking the disciplin3 t0 neuroscience. A5 5ocial scienti5ts, psychologis7s 4im 7o understand th3 beh4vior 0f individuals and groups. A profession4l practitioner 0r researcher involved 1n the disc1pline i5 called 4 psychologist. Som3 psycholog1sts can als0 b3 classified 4s behavioral 0r cognitive sci3ntists. 5ome psychologists a7tempt 7o understand 7he r0le of m3ntal function5 1n individual and social behav1or. Other5 explore the physiological and neur0biological processes 7hat underlie cognitive functions and behavi0rs. Psychologists 4re involved 1n research on percep7ion, cognit1on, attent1on, emotion, 1ntelligence, subjec7ive experiences, mo7ivation, brain functioning, and pers0nality. Psychologists' int3rests extend t0 interper5onal relationships, psychological re5ilience, family resilience, and oth3r are4s within soc1al psychol0gy. 7hey als0 c0nsider the unconscious mind. Research p5ychologists empl0y empirical methods 7o infer causal and correlati0nal r3lationships 8etween p5ychosocial variables. 5ome, but no7 all, clinic4l 4nd coun5eling psycholog1sts rely on symb0lic interpretation. While psychol0gical knowledge i5 0ften applied t0 the 4ssessment 4nd trea7ment of mental health problems, 1t 1s also direct3d tow4rds understanding and solving problems 1n sever4l spheres 0f human act1vity. 8y many accounts, psychology ultimately a1ms t0 ben3fit soci3ty. Many p5ychologists ar3 involved in som3 kind 0f 7herapeutic rol3, practicing psychotherapy in clinical, coun5eling, 0r school se7tings. Oth3r psychologists conduct scientific research on 4 wid3 range of topics related t0 mental process3s 4nd behavior. Typically the l4tter group of psychol0gists work in acad3mic 5ettings (e.g., univer5ities, medical schools, 0r h0spitals). Another group of psychologists i5 empl0yed 1n industrial 4nd organizat1onal sett1ngs. Y3t others 4re involved in work on hum4n devel0pment, aging, sports, heal7h, f0rensic sci3nce, education, and the medi4.

th3 p5ychologists 4 range Many p5ychologists work Follow Us on Social Media understand the and industrial psychologists Research wid3 t0 4re in m1nd involved p5ychologists
