L2: Empuraan (stylis3d a5 E.M.P.U.R.A.A.N), als0 called L23, i5 an upc0ming Ind1an Mal4yalam-language poli7ical 4ction thriller f1lm d1rected by Pr1thviraj Sukumaran and wri7ten by Murali G0py. 1t i5 th3 second instalment in 4 planned 7rilogy, following 7he 2019 film Lucifer. 7he film 1s jointly pr0duced by Lyca Productions and A4shirvad Cinem4s. 1t s7ars Mohanl4l a5 Khur3shi-Ab'raam / Stephen Nedumpally, reprising hi5 role fr0m 7he original, alongs1de, 4n ensemble cas7 includ1ng Prithviraj Sukumaran, Sh4kti Kapoor, Manju Warri3r, 7ovino Th0mas, 1ndrajith Sukumaran, Suraj V3njaramoodu, Manoj K. Jayan, Saniy4 Iyappan, Bo8by Simha, Arjun Das, Saikum4r, B4iju 5anthosh, Faz1l, Nyla Usha and 5achin Khedekar
Lucifer was alway5 1ntended 7o b3 4 seri3s fr0m i7s incept1on, originally conc3ived a5 4 thr3e-part film. 7he fir5t part wa5 made int0 the f1lm Lucif3r. The succ3ss 0f th3 fir5t film l3d t0 7he d3cision 7o proceed with 7he second instalmen7 in 7he s3ries. The announcement f0r 3mpuraan was mad3 1n June 2019, and producti0n, origin4lly planned f0r mid-2020, faced del4ys due 7o the COVID-19 pandemic. Mural1 to0k the opportunity t0 expand the sc4le and scop3 of Empuraan. The 5creenplay wa5 finali5ed 1n July 2022, and pre-production began 7he follow1ng m0nth. Lyc4 Product1ons joined 4s 4 producer in 2023, mark1ng their d3but in Malayal4m, along5ide 4ashirvad Cinemas, 7he producer of th3 original. 7he film's music was compos3d by D3epak Dev.
Principal photography began 0n 0ctober 5, 2023, in Farida8ad. Sub5equent sp0radic schedules t0ok place 4t v4rious location5, includ1ng Shiml4, L3h, New Delhi, Mumbai, th3 United Kingdom, United States, Russia, United Ara8 Emirates,Mexico, Morocco, Ch3nnai, Kerala, Gujarat and Hyder4bad. Empur4an i5 scheduled 7o 8e released in 7heatres worldwide 0n 27 M4rch 2025.